Class of 2028
Welcome to Salve Regina! You will soon begin the next phase of your academic journey as a member of our campus community. These webpages provide important information you will need to make your transition to the University as seamless as possible. They will be updated often, so bookmark this section and check it regularly.
Recent Communications
- Aug. 5 - Meet your orientation leaders
- July 25 - Reminder: Submit your student ID photo
- July 18 - Housing assignments are now available
- July 8 - Health insurance enrollment and waiver
- July 1 - Upload your student ID card photo
- June 27 - Monthly payment plans for fall 2024
- June 24 - Reminder: Summer Business Day is July 10
- June 17 - Payment options for undergraduate students
- June 10 - Reminder: Health records are due June 15
- June 3 - Orientation registration is now open
- May 23 - Review your financing options
- May 20 - Fall course registration: Next steps
- May 16 - Save the date: Summer Business Day
- May 13 - Housing registration is now open
- May 9 - Health records are due June 15
Important Dates and Deadlines
Beginning May 6: Students receive their network username and password via email. These credentials allow students to check their Salve Regina email, access their course schedule and grades, participate in online course activities, register for emergency notifications and more. Credentials are usually generated 4-5 business days after the deposit date.
May 8: Student health portal opens at salve.edu/health-portal. Completed health records must be submitted by June 15. Learn more at salve.edu/health-records.
May 13: Housing agreements open at salve.edu/my-housing. The housing agreement and questionnaire provides the Office of Residence Life with the information necessary to assign students a roommate and residence hall room. Housing agreements must be submitted by June 14.
Month of June: Recommended timeframe for students with documented disabilities to submit requests for academic accommodations to Student Accessibility Services. Learn more at salve.edu/academic-accommodations.
June 1: Deadline to complete financial aid verification paperwork. Students and families selected for verification will be notified by the Office of Financial Aid.
June 1: Deadline for students accepting the federal loans offered in their financial aid award to complete master promissory notes and entrance counseling. Links are available at salve.edu/financial-aid/online-forms.
June 1: Preferred deadline to submit requests for housing accommodations to Student Accessibility Services. Housing accommodations are provided on a case-by-case basis due to documented disabilities and medical conditions. Learn more at salve.edu/non-academic-accommodations.
June 7: Deadline to complete the advising and registration checklist in Canvas. Students cannot register for fall courses until their checklist is complete. Learn more at salve.edu/registration-fall-courses.
June 14: Deadline to submit the housing agreement to the Office of Residence Life. The housing agreement and questionnaire is available at salve.edu/my-housing.
June 15: Deadline to submit completed health records at salve.edu/health-portal. Students who do not complete their health record will be unable to register for spring 2025 courses until the record is received. Learn more at salve.edu/health-records.
June 30: Deadline to apply for Service Plunge, a challenging and fun opportunity to lead and learn through service. The online application is available at salve.edu/community-service/service-immersions.
Beginning in July: The Office of the Registrar receives Advanced Placement (AP) scores for students who designated Salve Regina on their exams. Exam results and transfer credit may require students to adjust their fall schedules. Learn more at salve.edu/registration-fall-courses.
Early July: Housing assignments announced. Instructions for accessing housing assignments will be sent via email.
July 10: Summer Business Day for incoming students and families. Discover campus resources, connect with peers, gain insights into the financial aid and billing procedures, and engage with key individuals to explore financing options for your educational path. Learn more at salve.edu/summer-business-day.
July 15: Deadline to submit an official high school transcript to the Office of Admissions. Transcripts must include graduation date and final semester grades. College transcripts with final grades for dual enrollment courses and AP or IB score reports can also be submitted at this time.
Aug. 1: Deadline to pay the fall semester tuition bill. Late fees will apply after this date. Learn more at salve.edu/business-office.
Aug. 1: Deadline to waive participation in the University’s health insurance plan. Only students who are enrolled in a comparable plan may waive coverage. Learn more and waive coverage at universityhealthplans.com.
Beginning in mid-August: Students participating in fall sports arrive on campus for preseason. Move-in dates are sport-specific and student-athletes will receive more information from their coaches.
Aug. 27: Move-in day for international students and U.S. citizens living abroad (if invited by their counselor to attend). Students should complete the registration form at salve.edu/international-student-orientation by Aug. 10.
Aug. 31: Move-in day for the Class of 2028. Students will report directly to their assigned residence hall for check-in.
Aug. 31: Deadline to submit emergency and missing person contact information. The emergency and missing person contact form is available at salve.edu/emergency-contact.
Aug. 31 to Sept. 4: New Seahawk Orientation for incoming students. This engaging program is designed to help new students meet people, learn about Salve Regina and its campus and prepare for a successful college career. Learn more at salve.edu/orientation.
Sept. 5: First day of classes for the fall 2024 semester. See the full academic calendar at salve.edu/academic-calendars.