Choosing a Program

Study Abroad

Salve Regina approves more than 200 study abroad programs in more than 40 countries around the world. When choosing your study abroad experience, the options can seem daunting. However, since your time abroad will be life-changing, this decision deserves a great deal of thought.

Students are encouraged to choose an experience that complements and strengthens their program of study. As a starting point, we suggest that you reference your major-specific advising guide(s) for recommended programs. You should also consider a program that will offer the most holistic and personally rewarding experience – do not choose a location simply because your friend is going there.

Factors to Consider 

There are many factors to weigh, such as program type, location and course offerings. When reviewing your options, the Center for Global Education and Fellowships has compiled a list of questions to consider.

  • Is there a geographical location that I am interested in?
  • What do I really want to get out of this experience? (i.e., language skills, international perspective on my field of study, cross-cultural experience, adventure, new perspective on potential career, resume builder)
  • What language skills do I have? What is the language of instruction? (Remember, you do not always have to know the host country’s language to study there.)
  • Do I prefer a large city or small town?
  • Do I prefer a large university or small university?
  • Do I want or need to take classes for my major, minor, core requirements or electives?
  • Do I want to participate in an internship or community engagement opportunities as part of my study abroad program?
  • When do I graduate? (If you plan to study abroad close to your planned graduation date, please consult with Center for Global Education and Fellowships.)
  • Do I want to study with a group of Americans, or would I prefer a more independent experience?
  • Do I want to live with a host family or with other Americans/international students? Do I want to live in an apartment or in a university residence system?
  • Am I interested in studying for a summer, semester or year?
  • Do I want to travel on planned excursions or primarily on my own?
  • Do I plan to do additional travel before or after my program?
  • What is my budget?
  • What are my interests, hobbies and passions?