Research and Projects

Political Science

All political science majors complete an original thesis, which they present and defend during their senior year.

In the spring of their junior year, majors take POL372: Seminar in Research and Methodology, an intensive course in which they learn how to research, organize, document, write, and orally present and defend a major piece of original work. Students choose topics according to their unique interests and potential career goals.

In their senior year, students apply these skills to a more extensive and professional senior thesis, with individual mentoring provided by a faculty member whose expertise aligns with their chosen topic. These experiences provide students with valuable professional skills that serve them well after graduation.

Recent thesis topics include:

  • "The Political Philosophy of Thomas Paine: How Paine's Moral, Political and Economic Beliefs Share Common Themes"
  • "Warrantless Aerial Surveillance by Drones: The Alarming Capabilities of Drones"
  • "Broken Windows Theory in New York City: How Statistics Prove That Stop-and-Frisk is Not a Racist Practice"
  • "The Establishment Clause: Everson's Proposal for Separationism"
  • "Why Americans Called for Prohibition: Overindulgence in Alcohol"
  • "California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018: Concerns for Third-Party Access"
  • "Parker v. Flook: The Paradox of Legal Minds Legislating Scientific Investigations"
  • "Chinese Expansionism in the South China Sea and Artificial Islands: The Diplomatic and Strategic Threat to the United States"