Alumni Success Stories
Political Science
Elizabeth Coyne '13
As a talent acquisition consultant for MassMutual, Coyne acknowledges that the skills learned through her political science education are an integral part of her success.
Salve’s curriculum taught me how to gather information, construct arguments and not only how to articulate my thoughts, but to defend them. I was challenged to hone my research, analytical, writing and public speaking abilities. These are all skills I utilize every day - whether it’s researching the talent market for a particular job opening, developing messaging to elicit responses from a targeted pool or endorsing an individual to a hiring team.

Christopher Fisher '11

As executive director of the Portsmouth Institute for Faith and Culture, Fisher leads the institute in its mission to explore Catholic scholarship through intellectual evangelization, research and public discourse.
My career would have been impossible without my Salve political science education. Through the program, I learned the skills of critical thinking, public speaking and conversation. But, in reality, I learned so much more. Through the study of the greatest works ever written, from Homer to Aristotle and from Aquinas to the Federalist Papers, I developed an understanding of what it means to be human and was encouraged by my professors to consider how, as political animals, we can organize society for the common good. That question is now at the heart of my career, and Salve made that possible.
Ashley Gempp '11
Gempp is a senior program officer in the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Working in the Office of Academic Exchanges, which plans, develops, administers and monitors programs such as the Global Undergraduate Exchange and Fulbright programs, her interest in foreign affairs is the foundation for her current career path.
The political science program at Salve gave me a strong base for understanding the interaction of states and political and international organization structures, and how this affects U.S. foreign policy. Through the political science program, I also developed the valuable skill of providing critical analysis in a concise way, a must-have when working with U.S. and foreign governments. These skills, along with the encouragement to explore my own interests in the Middle East region, security, culture and more all helped me along the road to where I am in my career today.

Taylor Shepherd '15

In her role as manager of government relations with the consulting group ML Strategies, Shepherd is furthering her career in the government relations industry with the skills she developed as a political science undergraduate.
My understanding of the legislative process afforded me this opportunity, for which I am incredibly grateful. I am looking forward to many more years in public service, and Salve’s political science department ignited that passion within me. Whether it was my public speaking skills developed through thesis prep, my knowledge of the legislative process or my confidence to ask questions with conviction and passion, Salve prepared me for this chapter in my life.