Alumni Spotlight
James Pickering M'15

James Pickering was a student at Salve Regina from 2013 to 2015 in the MBA program. Immediately after graduation he continued working full-time in the healthcare industry as a marketing and technology professional. Recently, Pickering moved from Boston to Chicago to begin a new career with Abbott Diagnostics working as a Product Manager.
In his free time, Pickering enjoys watching movies and listening to music. He loves concerts, live theater, performing arts, and overall popular culture. Pickering also loves to travel to new parts of the world and is heavily involved in politics and keeping up to date with what is going on around the globe. With his knowledge of the healthcare industry, Pickering volunteers for non-profits that are involved with initiatives like hospice and healthcare access for underprivileged populations.
During his time at Salve, Pickering’s favorite memories on campus were when he had the opportunity to walk around and enjoy the Newport Cliffwalk. “It is a beautiful spot to go to college,” Pickering says. “Another favorite memory I have is of collaborating with fellow students for school projects and getting to know people from all different backgrounds and walks of life.”
The greatest lesson Pickering learned from college is “that you can’t always have the best answer in the room. You should always collaborate with others to find solutions to problems and work together as a team by leveraging everyone’s best talents and skill sets.” Pickering acknowledged that you can’t achieve greatness on your own. His time at Salve Regina taught him to be open-minded and inclusive of everyone and promote diversity.
If given the opportunity to chat with students considering Salve for college, he would tell then that Salve offers a wide variety of courses and that the university provides a holistic approach to both learning and teaching. “I think Salve really sets students up for success by providing relevant and realistic content that will prepare them to work in the real-world, as well as providing strong value sets and morals that will help them in their daily lives both personally and professionally. Lastly, you cannot beat that campus view of the ocean!” Pickering exclaims.