Class of 2021 Success Stories

Sara Agresti

B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science

Agresti will join the Mercy Volunteer Corps, serving as the social justice coordinator at St. Francis of Assisi Parish and School in Baltimore, Maryland. Afterward, she plans to pursue a master's degree in international relations.

“I plan to someday work in the international community as a diplomat or a public servant for most of my career, then potentially become a professor of political science later on,” she said. “International service has always been a dream of mine, and just having a career focused on international relations would be amazing.”

Salve Regina’s emphasis on mercy has been especially impactful for Agresti, and she loves how the University encourages students to value mercy in every aspect of their lives. “This emphasis on mercy has led me to focus on how I can serve others by using my talents,” she said. “This led to me becoming a member of Mercy Volunteer Corps.”

Kara Barnao

B.S. in Biology

Barnao not only majored in biology, she also learned a second language at Salve Regina. She excelled in her courses and her thesis earned glowing remarks from Dr. Steven Symington, chairman of the Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences.

“I was genuinely passionate about what I was learning,” Barnao said. “It is going to be challenging … but if you truly believe you’re a scientist, you will get through.”

Following the pandemic, Barnao hopes to earn her doctorate. After completing her doctoral education, she intends on doing research for a few years before becoming a professor. Her ultimate dream is to teach the upcoming generation about science.

“Dr. Belinda Barbagallo was the first professor to aid me in recognizing my talent for the biological sciences,” Barnao said. “She has been like a mentor and has always cheered me on from the sidelines, regardless of who I was working for or with. She cares deeply for her students, especially those who show even a small amount of passion for the field.”

Nina Beatrice

B.S. in Early Childhood Education

Beatrice plans to stay in Rhode Island and apply for teaching jobs in the area. During the summer, she will work as Salve Regina’s Orientation program coordinator and teach at a summer camp. Her goal is to become a kindergarten teacher in southern Rhode Island.

The faculty member who had the greatest impact on Beatrice was John Rok, whom she met during her first year at Salve Regina. “As my first year progressed, I became more involved on campus, and by the end of the year, he greeted me every time by asking me what seemed like such a silly question: ‘Are you running the school yet?’” she said. “While I knew that I would never actually ‘run the school,’ this simple question continued to motivate me to be the leader that I have become during my time at Salve.”

Rachel Beilgard

B.S. in Social Work

Beilgard will join the Mercy Volunteer Corps and is currently interviewing with agencies in Philadelphia for placement. Members of the Mercy Volunteer Corps commit to living a simple lifestyle in community while focusing on compassionate service and spirituality. Once Beilgard has completed this opportunity, she plans to find a job in social work.

Beilgard said that internships were the most useful aspect to her education. She gained so much knowledge about social work that she will forever be grateful for. “I originally became a social work major because I had a passion for working with children and this is what I thought I wanted to do in my career,” she said. “However, through my internship opportunities, I have gained experience in other areas of social work, which has expanded my understanding and interests of the profession.”

When people think of social workers, they think that the jobs are only in school or for child protective services, Beilgard said. “Social workers work in hospitals, schools, prisons, as clinicians, within policy and so much more,” she added. “Social justice is also at the core of our profession. Especially in our current climate, we our society has been working even harder to create a more equitable world.”

Tori Bickel

B.S. in Business Administration

Bickel will move to Connecticut and work at Athleta as an assistant manager. As her goal is to eventually become a general manager or district manager at Athleta, she is already taking a big step towards her dream. “I am so happy to be able to work for a company that is a B Corporation and is driven to have a positive impact on the community,” she said.

Bickel chose Salve Regina for the business department, the tight-knit community, athletics and the ocean views. “As my four years are coming to a close, it is still safe to say that Salve lived up to each and every one of those expectations,” she said. “Salve has had such a positive impact to my academic and professional career.”

Paul Boutoussov

B.S. in Financial Management

Boutoussov will pursue a master’s degree in management in entrepreneurial leadership at Babson College. Eventually, he hopes to work with cutting-edge laser technology in the medical industry, providing individuals with medical products and services that stimulate healing, shorten rehabilitation time and improve overall quality of life.

The tight-knit community and atmosphere at Salve Regina stood out to Boutoussov. “I visited Salve's campus for 20 minutes and knew that this was the place for me,” he said. “I felt right at home and thoroughly enjoyed the small-school atmosphere. I learned so much, met many wonderful people and created relationships that will last a lifetime. The city of Newport is fantastic and an unmatched perk of going to school at Salve Regina.”

Shane Bowes

B.A. in Administration of Justice

Bowes is completing his master’s degree in administration of justice and homeland security at Salve Regina and will then apply to state police agencies. “I aspired to enroll in the fifth-year master’s program from first semester freshman year,” he said. “As I evolve into a professional in the law enforcement field, I will render aid to people from diverse backgrounds.”

Bowes said that law enforcement officials face the challenges of working in an ever-changing environment. “I feel that the education from Salve Regina University will enable me to protect and serve, while actively creating a positive change in community police relations,” he said. “I would like to create a successful career at the state level, hopefully being given the opportunity to join task forces for specific crimes or a specialized operational unit.”

Kaitlyn Brilhante

B.S. in Business Administration, Minors in Global Business and Economics and Marketing

Brilhante will continue her studies at Salve Regina in the MBA program with a concentration in cybersecurity issues in business, and will also pursue a graduate certificate in cybersecurity and intelligence. Her dream is to open an environmentally sustainable business abroad.

“My eventual career goal is to start up a business in Europe,” she said. “Why in Europe? As a freshman, I studied abroad under the direction of Dr. Judy de Oliveira, adjunct faculty here in the Department of Modern Languages, in Portugal. It was truly an enriching experience.”

Abigail Brodeur

B.S. in Marketing, Minor in Business Administration

Brodeur will join Wright’s Dairy Farm & Bakery as a marketing assistant while continuing her education at Salve Regina to complete her MBA with a concentration in social ventures. She had a unique experience at the University, completing her bachelor’s degree in three years, which is not typical for students.

“With the continual support from my family and my advisor Dr. Jennifer Bonoff, I was able to complete my undergraduate degree in three years,” she said.

For Brodeur, the most valuable takeaways from Salve Regina's Department of Business and Economics were the skills she accumulated from multiple internships, as well as the networking she was able to do.

“During my time at Salve, I was able to gain experience through three internships, which included one with a digital marketing agency and two on-campus internships with the offices of Undergraduate Admissions and Graduate Studies,” she said. “I am also in the MBA program, which allowed me to start graduate courses this past fall. Taking these classes has enhanced my understanding of business as a whole.”

Maria Coleman

B.A.S. in Mathematics and Secondary Education

“After graduation, I will be starting a job as a founding member of a new charter school in Providence,” Coleman said. “I will be teaching ninth-grade math and working to provide an equitable opportunity to students of all backgrounds.”

One of Coleman’s educational passions is to make math accessible to all students. “I learned of the inequities in the education system through my coursework and could not ignore these great gaps,” she said. “I have a great foundation from what I have learned from the education department.”

Coleman also has no qualms about her education at Salve Regina. “This program prepared me for the field,” she said. “When I was applying and interviewing for jobs, I was able to answer all of the questions based on things we had completed in our coursework. I had experience in three different schools and was able to compare and contrast my experiences to get a good idea of the type of environment I may want to teach in. I got to learn from different teachers, so I saw different classroom cultures, expectations, teaching styles. I feel very well rounded.”

Shawn Conroy

B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Financial Management, Minor in Business Administration

Conroy will work as a contract specialist at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport. He attributes his success at finding a job straight out of college to his professors at Salve Regina, and he’s also grateful for the help he had in pursuing a dual degree.

“Bonnie Kennedy was one of my first academic advisors and helped me lay out a cohesive four-year plan,” he said. “If it wasn’t for her guidance and support, I wouldn’t have been able to pursue a dual degree.”

Conroy will always remember his study abroad experience in Oxford, England as one of the highlights of his time at Salve Regina. “Although this was only a short summer program, it has left a lasting impression on me and was truly a joyous trip that I would recommend to every business student,” he said. 

Ashley D'Antuono

B.A.S. in Secondary Education and Spanish

D’Antuono will continue to engage in Spanish language and culture after graduation, and her dream is to visit new Spanish-speaking countries and connect with new communities. She will teach high school Spanish and continue to live out the mercy mission in her daily life.

“In my career, I hope to inspire others about Spanish language and culture the way I was inspired as a student,” she said. “I want to continue to engage in my current field and discover new passions as a lifelong learner.”

As a world languages student at Salve Regina, D'Antuono was able to develop her language skills in a small classroom environment, engage in a variety of course topics and study abroad in Sevilla, Spain.

“One of my favorite parts about Salve Regina is that the University educates the whole person,” she said. “At Salve, I was able to grow in my faith, learn from a community dedicated to academics and take part in various community service opportunities. I was able to tailor my education to my own unique talents, interests and passions which allowed me to develop into a courageous leader.”

Clark DiPiazza

B.S. in Business Administration

DiPiazza will return to his home state of New Jersey and begin a full-time position as a human resource and compliance administrator for the insurance agency Emerson Reid. He originally took a remote internship position for Emerson Reid and continued working for the agency after the course was completed. He’s excited that his internship led to work and that he has now accepted a full-time position.

DiPiazza attributes his success to Lorrie Burns, lecturer in the Department of Business and Economics. “I took her management class freshman year and her internship class senior year,” he said. “Without taking her course senior year, I may not have been in the position I am right now with my job.”

He said that the courses in which he worked on group projects will be most memorable and useful going forward. “They have taught me great skills on teamwork and being professional,” DiPiazza said. “I believe that Salve has a great business program. The workload is manageable, the teachers are helpful, and the courses help prepare you for the business world.”

Brianna Easton

B.S. in Social Work

Easton will begin her social work career at Child & Family as a family stabilization unit case manager. She will also continue her education in the fall at Sacred Heart University in the online master’s program for social work.

“During this pandemic, I have discovered my passion for advocating and providing support to those who need it,” she said. “Over the summer I spent time making masks to sell on campus, with the proceeds going to nonprofit organizations around Aquidneck Island.”

Evan Elichalt

B.A. in American History and Economics, Minor in Philosophy

This fall, Elichalt will pursue a master’s degree in history at Boston College or the State University of New York at Albany. Wherever he ends up, he’s planning to expand on his undergraduate thesis study of populism – which explored Andrew Jackson's presidency – and focus on the late 19th-century People’s Party and the economic consequences of their movement.

“Ultimately, I hope to work as a policy analyst and focus on historical trends that have shaped our current political landscape,” he said. “I aim to apply my studies in history, economics and jurisprudence into something which helps the everyday person. I also have aspirations to someday return to academia later in my career and further my studies in American history.”

Elichalt believes the discipline of history is a growing field with a plethora of different subjects – be it social, race, gender, scientific or environmental history. He’s excited to be pursing this field. “History is not only the study, but the process of objective reasoning and the application of contextual evidence to create a more complete image,” he said. “Ultimately, the discipline of history is the story of ‘us’; it is about the shared human experience and the events which have led us to our current day.”

Abigail Frazier

B.S. in Elementary Education and Special Education

During Frazier’s student teaching placement, she obtained a position as a long-term substitute in a fourth-grade classroom at Newport’s Pell Elementary School. This fall, she will pursue her master’s degree in education with a focus in literacy. Frazier hopes to stay in the Newport Public Schools and teach at the elementary level.

“The education department at Salve Regina is the main reason why I chose this university,” she said. She had planned to leave Salve Regina after her first year due to personal reasons, but she changed her mind after seeing the opportunities the University offered. “The education department at Salve Regina is incomparable,” Frazier said. “The opportunities and experiences that you will gain from this educational program will forever change your life and fill you with passion.”

Frazier points to Dr. Jennifer Booth and Dr. Martha Rose as being very influential on her life. “I was challenged yet supported, held accountable but forgiven, and always cheered on by both of these women,” she said. “When things did not go as planned, Dr. Booth and Dr. Rose were always flexible and understanding, helping me learn from every curve in my own path of education.”

Jesse Green

B.S. in Nursing, Minor in Music

Greene will work as a registered nurse at Saint Anne’s Hospital in Fall River, Massachusetts on a medical/surgical telemetry floor. She plans to eventually return to Salve Regina and earn her master’s degree in nursing, and her ultimate goal is maternity nursing care, particularly in a neonatal intensive care unit as an advanced practice nurse.

“Throughout my time at Salve, I have learned a lot about myself, particularly about my strong work ethic, my resilience and my love of the nursing profession,” she said. “Salve Regina has taught me not only how to excel academically, but how to care for, love and respect other human beings to the highest extent.”

While she has nothing but rave reviews about the nursing program, Greene also enjoyed pursuing her minor in music as well. “The music department has brought me a beautiful sense of community throughout my time at Salve, and I am so grateful for the wonderful music and opportunities,” she said. “I have absolutely loved serving as a cantor at Sunday masses throughout my four years at Salve, and I will always hold the Mercy Center close to my heart.”

Shuri Hatake

B.A. in Psychology

Hatake will return to her home country of Japan to work as a psychologist at a day care center before pursuing her master’s degree in educational psychology at University College London this fall.

“All the faculty members greatly helped me in some way or another,” she said. “As an international student, and since English is my second language, I had many questions about lectures, assignments and exams. However, every faculty member in the psychology department has been extremely caring, supportive, enthusiastic and always tries to help me.”

Grace Izzo

B.A.S. in Chemistry and Secondary Education

Many students choose a university based off the academic programs that are offered. In Izzo’s case, however, Salve Regina welcomed her with the intent of creating an entirely unique curriculum just for her. Because of this, Izzo is now graduating as the University’s first chemistry and secondary education major. “I’m paving the way for others now,” she said.

Madison Kalkstein

B.A. in Global Studies, Minor in Business Administration

For now, Kalkstein isn’t going far away, as she’ll be working in Salve Regina’s Business Office while pursuing her master’s degree in international relations. In addition, she’s working as a Spanish interpreter for the International Institute of New England in a remote, part-time role.

“Eventually, I see myself working for a nonprofit or NGO abroad in a Spanish-speaking country,” Kalkstein said. “I would love to move somewhere like Chile, Argentina or Peru and work towards poverty alleviation and assist in the fight for the rights of women and children.”

Dr. Jameson Chace, chairman of the Department of Cultural, Environmental and Global Studies, had the greatest impact on Kalkstein’s time at Salve Regina. “Despite the many roles he plays on campus, Dr. Chace was always enthusiastic, responsive and patient, and always found the time to talk me through assignments, academic planning and career opportunities,” she said. “I am so grateful to Dr. Chace and the many other fantastic Salve Regina faculty members for making my time at Salve so memorable.”

Emma Kiely

B.A. in Psychology

This summer, Kiely will volunteer in an adolescent inpatient psychiatric unit at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. In the fall, she will attend Boston College to pursue her master's degree in clinical mental health counseling. She aspires to obtain her doctorate in clinical psychology and practice as a licensed clinical psychologist treating children, teens and service members/veterans with anxiety disorders and PTSD.

“I cannot speak highly enough of the psychology faculty – each of them is so encouraging and highly competent in their respective areas of expertise,” she said. “Psychology is a very broad field with a lot of sub-areas, yet Salve luckily offers a wide array of course offerings that allow you to explore many different areas.”

Joelle LaChance

B.S. in Healthcare Administration and Management

LaChance will intern as an administrative assistant at Island Moving Company, Newport's premiere ballet academy and professional dance company. She will further develop her passion for dance and the performing arts as well as utilizing her business background for her new internship.

“I plan to be working in the arts administration field or health care setting, but mostly working for nonprofit organizations,” she said. “I either plan to work for Hasbro Children's Hospital in Providence or move to New York City in the next year to work for nonprofit hospitals or nonprofit arts organizations.”

Mikayla Lewandoski

B.S. in Nursing

In August, Lewandoski will begin her nursing career as a registered nurse on a general medicine unit at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut – one of the largest and most respected teaching hospitals in New England. Her unit is currently designated as a COVID-19 unit.

“Although I am starting my nursing career on a general medicine unit, I hope to eventually transfer to the emergency department and work my way up to becoming a level one trauma nurse,” Lewandoski said. “After gaining hands-on experience working as a registered nurse, I plan on earning a master’s degree in nursing with the goal of also serving as a nurse educator, a position that will afford me the opportunity to share my knowledge and skills to prepare the next generation of nurses.”

Lewandoski noted that as part of her aging and end-of-life clinical this semester, she was able to spend time at HopeHealth Hulitar Hospice Center in Providence. It was a rewarding experience, and she sees herself switching to hospice nursing later on in her career.

Erin Looney

B.S. in Nursing

Looney will pursue a career as a registered nurse in general medicine at Yale New Haven Hospital as a part of its Vizient/AACN Nurse Residency Program. Her eventual career goal is to transition to a critical care setting and continue her education to become a certified registered nurse anesthetist.

She said the nursing program at Salve Regina provided her with a personalized education because it was such a small program. Looney enjoyed her time within the nursing program and will cherish the community aspect of her Salve Regina education. “Every student is familiar with one another, and you will never have a professor who doesn’t know your name,” she said.

Isabella Margi

B.A. in Art History and Cultural and Historic Preservation

Margi plans to pursue a master’s degree in art history. She has been accepted into some of the most prestigious graduate programs in art history and decorative arts in the country, including Bard Graduate Center, Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, the City College of New York and the University of York.

“Following the completion of my master’s and eventual doctorate, I hope to work in an art museum or historic house as a curator or a collections manager, while also conducting original scholarship on 18th and 19th century fine and decorative arts,” she said.

Fawzi Massouh

B.S. in Biology

A refugee from Syria, Massouh knows how fortunate he is to be in the U.S. completing his undergraduate degree at Salve Regina. He plans to pursue a career in medicine in the United States and has already been accepted to three medical programs.

Sadly, it was his experience in war-torn Syria that made him decide to study medicine and become a doctor in the first place. “The medical resources of Syria were grossly inadequate and the hospitals were constantly full beyond their capacity,” Massouh said. “I was left instilled with the necessity of medical care firsthand, having witnessed the effects of its absence.”

Kristen Medlicott

B.S. in Nursing

Once Medlicott has passed her nursing exams, she’s excited to explore the world. She has been accepted into the North American Language and Culture Assistants Program in Spain, which an educational outreach program for college and post-grad students from North America and Canada. Those accepted into the program work in elementary and secondary schools as an English teaching assistant while also learning and adapting to the different cultures within Spain.

“I am excited to find out where in Spain I will be placed and cannot wait to further develop my Spanish minor and language capabilities,” she said. “NALCAP will start in the fall and last throughout the school year, until about May.”

Matthew Messner

B.S. in Biology

Messner will attend the University of Delaware to pursue his doctorate in physical therapy. Eventually, he hopes to work in an outpatient clinic with athletes.

“My experience here was phenomenal,” he said. “Between the academics, athletics and having Newport as your backyard, Salve had everything I could want in a college experience.”

The most memorable part about Messner’s education at Salve Regina was being able to play football as he worked towards his undergraduate degree. He also enjoyed working with Dr. Kimberly Curesky, lecturer/health advisor in the Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences.

“She was extremely helpful to me when I was applying for physical therapy school,” he said. “I also took multiple classes with her and enjoyed them all. I would tell an anyone who is considering majoring in biology that it is a lot of work, but it is absolutely worth it in the end.”

Ryan Miech

B.A. in Studio Art, Concentrations in Graphic Design, Illustration and Interactive Media Arts

It seems as though everyone on campus knows Miech. With a quiet but large presence, Miech has formed many meaningful relationships and connections that he holds deep to his heart while attending Salve Regina. And those connections have led him to valuable and unique pursuits, such as community service and the creation of a board game during his time here.

“It was a crazy idea, and it took a lot of work, but I wanted to make a board game that spanned 60 pieces of artwork that compiled a lot of themes,” Miech said. He pitched the idea to his professor, and it took off from there.

Donovan Montville

B.S. in Financial Management

Montville has accepted a full-time position with the Naval Undersea Warfare Center as a civilian contract specialist, which is a three-year program. He eventually plans to attend law school. “I would like to one day become an attorney and advocate for those who cannot do it for themselves,” he said.

From the first time Montville met Samuel Sacco, lecturer in the Department of Business and Economics, he was inspired. “It was clear that he was a person who was very successful in life, but it was also evident how compassionate and kind of a person he was,” he said. “Seeing how he lives and exemplifies the mercy mission of Salve Regina has influenced my perspective greatly.”

It was during the pandemic that Montville realized how important Salve Regina has become to him. “At Salve, you become an integral part of this community that is always growing,” he said. “When I went back home to Connecticut last year, I truly realized how much I cherished Newport and all the relationships I have made with the special community that is Salve Regina.”

Chase Mulvaney

B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science

Mulvaney will remain at Salve Regina to complete his master’s degree in international relations. He hopes to pursue a career in public policy and law by taking the LSAT and Foreign Service Exam. He is interested in the Federal Pathways Program to enter the world of civil service.

Salve Regina has also afforded Mulvaney the opportunity to pursue all of his different passions and bring them together in unique ways. “I have been able to explore everything from forensic and earth science to the philosophy of Thomism and the politics of Latin America,” he said.

Angela Nardi

B.S. in Nursing

Nardi has accepted a full-time position as a registered nurse in the graduate nurse residency program at Backus Hospital in Norwich, Connecticut. After completing the program, which will be in a medical surgical unit, she hopes to transfer to the birthing center as a labor and delivery nurse.

It was Mary Lou Lyons, lecturer in nursing, that helped inspire Nardi’s dreams to become a labor and delivery nurse. “Her teaching style always varied to meet the needs of different learners, and I appreciated her ability to foster our understanding of the information,” Nardi said. “Her love for and presentation of obstetrics also helped guide me in the direction of choosing maternity as my nursing specialty, and I continue to look up to her as an example.”

Nardi also enjoyed Salve Regina’s tight-knit community. “To me, college was not only about getting an education, but meeting lifelong friends, learning to live independently and having memorable experiences,” she said. “My time at Salve has helped me thoroughly recognize the importance of taking responsibility for my own actions and treating others with the utmost respect.”

Stephen Natola

B.S. in Biology, Minor in Chemistry

Natola is excited to begin Boston University’s doctor of physical therapy program. He’ll be living in Boston for at least the first year of his program, and he’s looking forward to experiencing the iconic city and all it has to offer. After that, he may relocate based on his clinical placements.

“My plan is to complete my graduate studies at Boston University and become a licensed physical therapist,” he said. “My goal is to be the best physical therapist that I can be and to help the most people that I can.”

Bridget O'Donnell

B.A. in French and Social Work

O’Donnell will attend New York University’s Silver School of Social Work in the advanced standing program. After earning her master’s degree, she hopes to work clinically in the mental health and substance abuse field as a social worker.

One of her most memorable experiences at Salve Regina was the opportunity to study abroad. “I studied in France during my sophomore year, and it was an incredible opportunity,” O’Donnell said. “I was able to meet so many new people, try new things and explore places I never would have had the chance to otherwise. It definitely broadened my view of the world and helped me to understand some of the diversity I may come into contact over the course of my career.”

O’Donnell also enjoyed the great relationships she developed with her professors, including Dr. Mary Montminy-Danna, whom she felt was an amazing teacher. “The passion she brings for the field, social justice and helping others is inspiring and makes learning so much more than just sitting in a classroom listening to a lecture,” O’Donnell said.

Michelle Ostolaza

B.A. in Administration of Justice

Ostolaza will pursue a master’s degree in marketing at the University of Houston’s Bauer College of Business, and will also serve as the graduate assistant for marketing and communications for the Department of Campus Recreation.

“My experiences with interacting with students from different backgrounds and working closely with the multicultural office taught me more than I could possibly imagine about tolerance, acceptance and educating myself and others,” she said.

Samantha Rivera

B.S. in Marketing, Minors in Business Administration and Psychology

If anyone had told Rivera when she was a first-year student that she would be valedictorian for the Class of 2021 four years later, she would've laughed.

"I am so incredibly honored to have been named this year’s valedictorian," she said. "It feels amazing to be recognized for all of my hard work over these past four years. I am so grateful to all of my family and friends who helped me get here.”

Rivera will spend the summer in Newport as she continues to take courses in Salve Regina’s Master of Business Administration program.

Michael Rosati

B.S. in Elementary Education and Special Education

Rosati has accepted a full-time position as director of youth development at Sterling House Community Center, a nonprofit in Stratford, Connecticut. “In this role, I will be overseeing all of the current youth programs, including summer camp, the after-school program and the preschool program,” he said. “I will also be responsible for expanding the youth programming, specifically to include more adaptive and therapeutically-based recreation options for individuals with disabilities.”

Rosati has a passion for working with youth, and his position will allow him to tap into his interests in education, youth development and inclusivity. “There is so much you can do with a degree in education,” he said. “I never imagined I would be working in youth development as opposed to teaching in a traditional classroom. However, the skills I acquired and experiences I had in the education department at Salve let me discover passions I did not even know I had.”

Jessica Rozón

B.S. in Financial Management, Minors in Business Administration and Economics

Rozón will continue her current internship at Calkins Wealth Strategies in Newport. She also plans to study for her financial securities licenses to continue her education in the financial management field. Her dream is to hold a chief financial officer or executive office position in a hospital or other setting where she can truly make a difference.

While attending Salve Regina, Dr. Sami Nassim, director of the Office of Multicultural Programs and Retention, and Karen Kosoff, administrative coordinator for the Department of Business and Economics, had the greatest impact on Rozón. “Sami from the multicultural office ensured I would be comfortable at this predominantly white institution and would always remind me of the community the office had provided me with,” she said. “Karen … has been a very close person to me as I worked alongside her as a work study, and she has continued to support me ever since.”

Vanessa Saucier

B.A. in Administration of Justice

Saucier will pursue her juris doctor degree at New England Law | Boston. “I intend to become an attorney and have recently found myself interested in family, juvenile and education law,” she said. “I want to help women and children and am confident my education at Salve will only be enhanced in law school.”

When Saucier thinks of her time at Salve Regina, she sees how all of her professors played a pivotal role in expanding her knowledge and preparing her for both law school and the real world.

“While I loved all of them, the two that I want to extend my sincerest thanks to are Mr. Petrarca and Dr. Hoffmann,” Saucier said. “Mr. P’s office door was always open, and he was willing to listen and point me in the right direction. He consistently made time for me, always having confidence in me when I didn’t have it in myself. I also loved the several courses I took taught by Dr. Hoffmann. She truly helped me when it came time to apply to law schools. Her faith in me was unwavering, and her guidance helped me to be where I am today.”

Sarah Salemy

B.A.S. in English and Secondary Education

Salemy will pursue her master’s degree in English literature at Boston College. She hopes to eventually earn her doctorate in English literature and become a professor. Until then, she’ll be pursuing other teaching opportunities such as tutoring or working in a high school.

“There are a number of people here at Salve that have helped me grow, but I’d like to thank Dr. Jen McClanaghan,” she said. “I had the privilege of co-teaching FYT with her, I took a number of her courses, and overall enjoyed helping her plan projects and getting to know her as an individual. She truly helped me find my way both in and out of the classroom with all her support throughout the semesters.”

Salemy said that navigating the pandemic with her peers and professors was an eye-opening experience because it reminded her why she chose Salve Regina in the first place. “The community here is like no other,” she said. “My experience at Salve Regina was everything I needed and more. I created wonderful memories, had to overcome obstacles and found new passions. Overall, my four years here have helped me find and shape myself. I truly feel prepared to take the next step in my life.”