Resources at Salve Regina

LGBTQ+ Center

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger or experiencing an emergency, please call 911.

LGBTQIA2S+ Student and Ally Group

Alliance is an all-inclusive student organization that helps LGBTQIA2S+ students and allies find community at Salve Regina. During weekly meetings, members discuss LGBTQIA2S+ issues and current events, and partake in activities designed to create an enjoyable environment on campus.

Follow Alliance on Instagram and Seahawk Connection.

Emergency Telephones

Emergency telephones with direct contact to the Office of Public Safety are strategically located throughout campus. Identified with a blue light, these freestanding telephones are placed in areas with high foot traffic and at the entrances to residence halls and administrative buildings.

Minor in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Social injustices are as old as society itself. Discrimination and violence based on race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality have mobilized a new generation of activists. Our minor in women, gender and sexuality studies aims to empower students with the tools necessary to interrogate power hierarchies, combat social inequities and fight for the dignity of individuals.

Learn more about the minor in women, gender and sexuality studies.

Campus Offices and Services

Resources for Faculty and Staff