Student Persistence and Achievement Support

Academic Center for Excellence

Sometimes unforeseen roadblocks appear on your journey to academic success. We believe that all students have the capacity to learn and grow. The Academic Center for Excellence provides support for students who have received an academic warning or are on academic probation.

Students With an Academic Warning

Students receive an academic warning when their semester grade falls below a 2.0, but their overall (or “cumulative”) GPA is still high enough to remain in good academic standing. Students who receive academic warnings are strongly encouraged to meet with a professional academic coach to map out their plan to improve and persist in order to achieve their academic goals. Coaches are supportive and understanding. We use a growth mindset framework to help you reflect on your past study habits and develop a specific and individual plan for academic improvement. We’re here to help you explore your own talents and strengths and discover new tools for learning success.

Students on Academic Probation

We are committed to helping you succeed and get back in good academic standing. One way we do this is to pair you with your own academic coach, who will help you take charge of your learning and own your academic success. Through regular meetings with your coach, you will:

  • Identify your academic and personal goals
  • Identify your strengths, aptitudes and attitudes that support your goals
  • Identify and understand the self-defeating behaviors or patterns that may be holding you back
  • Set attainable micro-goals goals for each week between coaching sessions
  • Practice new skills, reassess and adjust your strategy for success as necessary

This process takes place in an atmosphere of non-judgment. Your coach is there to support you as you work to get back on track.